Like Bentham, Kant assumes that only some people are sufficiently a part of society to be able to govern cruel and beastly coach-drivers. The wealthy, town-dwelling bourgeoisie denounced the beastly unruliness of the animal lower orders. The positions combined in a system where the knowledgeable and kindly, the proper humans who lived a fully social life, disciplined the cruel treatment of animals carried out by the beastly and unruly. Although the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has been the most famous and effective of the societies which police the workers to make sure they do not relapse into beastliness, it was not the first such body. The human beast was to be extirpated from society in a beastly way: 'the social map projected by their crusade led humanitarians to treat groups they castigated for cruelty almost as exiles from the human community'.