Daniel Siegel uses the metaphor of the mindsight lens. He introduced the word 'mindsight' to refer to the capacity to focus our attention on the processes in the mind. This chapter describes the criteria for participation in the compassion training. It is important that clients have sufficient motivation, time and opportunities to follow the programme and do practices at home. In participants with insecure attachment, the threat system can become activated when warm feelings are evoked because these are especially associated with lack of safety. Practising and guiding mindfulness-based methods can seem deceptively simple but require thorough training and personal practice. The same goes for compassion training. It is important that trainers first have experience in teaching MBSR or Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) before starting to give MBCL training courses in groups. They are familiar with the structure and the alternation between guiding exercises and inquiry in the group afterward as well as being familiar with the basic attitude needed.