In 1819 Mr. Bankes commissioned G. Belzoni to transport the entire monument to Alexandria, it was subsequently taken to London, whence it was removed and set up on Mr. Bankes' estate at Kingston Hall, in Dorsetshire. Thus the pedestal of Mr. Bankes' obelisk contained three distinct Greek inscriptions, and the contents of these we may first consider. The hieroglyphic texts on the four sides of the granite Obelisk taken from Philae by G. Belzoni for Mr. J. W. Bankes, who re-erected it at Kingston Hall in Dorsetshire. This fact was supplied by Mr. Bankes himself, who believed rightly that the red colour in which he found the inscriptions to have been traced, was only the base for the gold with which both the short inscriptions were painted. The hieroglyphic text, with interlinear transliteration and translation, is given at the end of this Chapter, but the following connected rendering will explain the relation which exists between the four columns of texts.