The report from 2003 subtitled 'Dreaming with Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRICs): The Path to 2050' was written by Jim Rogers who, tellingly in 2013, was appointed an advisor to the Secretary of State for Education. It describes how, based on the bank's research into trends and forecasts, the future lay not with the original G6 countries but with the burgeoning economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China, the BRICs economies. Another publication that had a similar effect to the BRICs report was a book by three-time Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Thomas Friedman. Friedman realized that, whilst he had been reporting on strife in the Middle East as a journalist for several years, something fundamental had changed in the world. As India moves quickly up the pecking order it is passing the call centre mantle to countries in Africa, as major international conferences like Contact Centres World Africa in Johannesburg testify.