People with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) perceive the world and relate to it very differently from Neuro Typical (NT), and this makes them act differently too. One of the reasons for this altered perspective is that the brain is wired in a way that makes them hypersensitive or hyposensitive to aspects of their environment, probably as a result of over-connectivity or under-connectivity. Sensory overload is often the key to negative emotional and behavioural responses due to stress and fear. Sensory stimuli disturbances are varied and particular to the individual. By making small adjustments to the pupil's environment and allowances for the pupil's hypersensitivities, you will enhance their ability to learn by dampening the physical impact of sensory overload, thereby reducing anxiety and fear. The sensory overload caused by bright lights, fluorescent lights, colours and patterns makes the body react as if being attacked or bombarded, resulting in such physical symptoms as headaches, anxiety, panic attacks or aggression.