Roberta Carreri is one of acclaimed theatre company Odin Teatret's longest-serving actors, and the last to be trained by Eugenio Barba himself. In this book, she relives the milestones of her professional journey, including: her first experiences of street theatre. When she joined Odin Teatret, the vocal training of the actors was based on what Eugenio had learnt at Jerzy Grotowski's Teatr-Laboratorium. On their return to Denmark in October, the vocal training was held indoors in their spaces. The horizons were brought closer and the sonority of their voices changed. In the early years she often did vocal improvisations that, like the physical ones, started from a theme suggested by Eugenio. During her first years at Odin Teatret she fell under the spell of harmonies that did not belong to her culture. Later, when she participated in ISTA and heard the songs, sounds and melodies of Balinese, Chinese, Indian and Japanese musicians, this interest grew and deepened.