The author describes the arrival and experience of author in Holstebro and Carpignano Salentino. She arrived in Holstebro on 24 April 1974 at midnight after travelling for twenty-five hours by train. She was surprised to see that the Min Fars Hus ensemble had dissolved; only Iben, Jens, Ragnar and Torgeir remained from the performers she had seen in Bergamo. From the second day, her education was entrusted to Jens. When Eugenio and the others arrived at seven we continued the training together and then worked on improvisations for the new performance. When the author mentioned to Eugenio that she was returning to Milan in three days' time, he was very surprised and said, 'But you are now part of Odin!' It was my turn to be surprised. 'Odin Teatret, Carpignano Salentino'. This was the address author had in her hands when she left Milan on 18 May 1974.