The importance and apocalyptic framing of climate change by the Liberal editorial writers and the powerful interest groups who were working from an Industrial Fatalist understanding of the climate problem simultaneously opened up the field to other subpolitical actors. The ecomodern utopian concept allows us to understand the strong emotional attachment to big technologies such as nuclear power, carbon capture and storage (CCS), climate engineering and the hydrogen economy, and how these attachments shaped a technological ideal during this period of apocalyptic framing. The post-political situation in which apocalyptic framing can occur simultaneously with conservative action is possible because the apocalypse, through its comic presentation, made governable by humans and met concurrently by big emotionally embedded planetary engineering solutions that offer the assurance that the industrial capitalist world's ecological system can handle climate change. Green Keynesianism, Eco-socialism and Climate Scepticism challenged the Industrial Fatalist market-liberalism hegemony in their proposals for formulating the future design of society.