In previous chapters I have explored what HRD might be and described it as the glue of process between relationships: the interface between individuals, between organisations, and between individuals and organisations. These are not clear concepts; each is influenced by the other and is best understood in the light of the other. I have also put forward the idea that the human condition and the parameters of much of our thinking and being can be seen through a typology of typologies, structured around two key archetypal constructs derived from our evolutionary past. I have presented a picture of a world in flux, and although we try to define and categorise it and present it as a world of being, it remains a world of becoming. Our understanding of the world is derived through interpretation; our senses are based on memory (albeit very short-term) and not immediacy; our perceptions are modified by our understanding of the past and our anticipation of the future; we create stories for ourselves to try and make sense of our own behaviour-and then believe those stories. Yet, within all of this confusion, or perhaps because of it, we still search for clarity and meaning.