Movement is a child's first language. In this telling quote, Piaget is claiming that bonding and attachment are stimulated through movement, that is, when the baby's eyes follow the parent round the room, when smiles appear and when arms reach out. Interventions such as baby massage can stimulate movement and develop personal and spatial awareness. Children with more severe difficulties, such as those with autism or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), may flap their hands and become very agitated if they are required to be still. Dyspraxia is one of the specific learning difficulties that impacts on every aspect of children's lives at each and every age. A few children with dyspraxia have a co-occurring Tourette's syndrome. They have explosions of sound or jerky movements that they can't control. Gross motor performance may be better than the execution of fine motor skills if the musculature in the top part of the body is more severely affected.