Results of evidence-based treatments tend to be mixed; yet much can still be learned concerning effective treatment in reducing or extinguishing NSSI behaviors. Across the various treatments that have been found to be effi cacious with NSSI or other deliberate self-harming (DSH) behaviors, consistent components include emotion regulation strategies, cognitive restructuring, enhancing problem solving treatment strategies, and interpersonal communication and relations. There are times, however, that these manualized treatments may not be the best treatment for a particular client. More specifi cally, if the client or family will not adhere to the entire treatment, if the cost is too expensive for a client, or if the clinician does not specifi cally believe in the treatment. Another approach, which is not evidence-based or manualized but has been used in therapy, is to utilize specifi c cognitive, emotive, and problem solving-focused interventions and can be used to complement most any theoretical orientation.