This chapter aims to bring to the foreground the maternal erotic transference as another version of erotic desire, adding to the literature exploring the erotic nature of early, maternal-infant sexualities. Classical models of erotic transferences have historically revolved around oedipal themes in the sense that the transferences are comprised of a reawakening of oedipal desire and its attendant defensive organization. With the burgeoning interest in object relations, interpersonal, and relational theories of development, these models have sensitized us to the emergence of preoedipal desires expressed through the oedipal structure, often as an attempt to use sexuality to disguise earlier wishes and needs. Preoedipal themes harken back to the maternal/infant dyad and, generally, the literature has not taken into account the sensual and erotic nature of mother/infant interaction in and of itself. The adult counterpart is recognized in the analysand's expressions of longing for an erotic sensual relationship with the analyst in concrete, nonverbal forms.