The uncertainty with respect to Russia's intentions would unexpectedly develop during this period into a real test for the resolve of EU solidarity and unity on Kyoto Protocol action. In the run-up to COP-10, the October 2004 Environment Council had noted that while mitigation of climate change remained the cornerstone of present and future climate change policies, the inevitability of climate change required that adaptation be also considered as another key element of such policies. While the Buenos Aires Programme acknowledges their needs, the demands of the oil-exporting countries were somewhat stunted, as OPEC countries were only able to secure funding for reporting requirements and two expert meetings. In January 2005, the EU launched its emissions trading scheme, a policy instrument that covered roughly half of its CO2 emissions. The G-8 Gleneagles Summit in July 2005 is notable for a number of reasons, including the G-8 agreement to create a 'Dialogue on climate change, and clean energy and sustainable development'.