The name of the queen-mother disappears from the dating of documents, and Ptolemy Alexander's name is now coupled with that of his queen-consort, Berenice III., the daughter of his brother, Ptolemy Soter. She has the style "Queen Berenice, Brother-loving Goddess", though Alexander and Berenice, when coupled together, are "Mother-loving Gods". Cleopatra found that her purpose to make Alexander king encountered vehement popular opposition, and she had to give way. The elder Ptolemy became king, as Ptolemy Philometor Soter, in conjunction with his mother, whose name was mentioned before his in official acts. The Greek historical tradition Justin, Pausanias, Athenaeus alleged that Alexander had his mother killed, and Justin has a story how the Alexandrine populace rose forthwith in indignation, drove out Alexander, and called back Soter. Only Rome claimed for herself the royal domains and the yield of a tax on the medicinal plant silphium a chief product of the country.