Arsinoe's life, immured in the palace of Ptolemy Philopator, was one of continuous humiliation and misery. To one form of emotional exaltation the king was especially addicted orgiastic worship of Dionysos. From this god the house of Ptolemy claimed to be descended, and Ptolemy IV. In Egypt itself, the reign of Ptolemy IV., after he returned, as a victor, from Palestine, was not without ominous troubles. After the battle of Raphia, the native question had become much more difficult to handle. Work proceeded under Ptolemy Philopator upon the great temple of Horus at Edfu. At Alexandria, Apollonius, son of Ammonius, with his wife Timocion and his children, dedicate an image on behalf of king Ptolemy and queen Arsinoe, Father-loving Gods, to Demeter and Kore and Justice. The foreign envoys who came to Egypt were not allowed to come as far as Alexandria, to see what was going on there.