This chapter identifies the different of caregivers and elderly with an exploration into how their relationships affect family functioning. The journey of caregiving is a complicated one and therapists need to be mindful of the many issues that caregivers and elderly face. Therapists can offer techniques to foster better psychological functioning in the caregiver, freeing them from feelings of over-responsibility and shame, and enabling them to be more effective as caregivers. The role of the family caregiver is becoming more complex and demanding, often including tasks and activities previously managed by paid healthcare providers. Family caregivers have more mental health issues, with depression being the most common. Some individuals may struggle with having to admit that their physical health is declining, and will challenge the caregiver's attempts to provide a safer environment. When an elderly's mental functioning becomes compromised due to senility, dementia or Alzheimer's, their caregivers must make decisions for the individual's welfare.