The dissident character of the notion of drive in Freud, the disjunction of principle between the tendency, its direction, and its object, and not only its original 'perversion', but its implication in a conceptual systematic. The drive resides in language as a request made of or to the Other. Lacan argued, the aim of drive seems to be the object sought, the actual goal is homeostasis or the constancy of oneness. The Lacanian real is the order of a knowledge of unary traits which people might also describe as primordial repressions of identifications. Lacan attributed the dimension of the real unary trait to the point or place where the drives enter language, orienting them within the field of the closed surface of the body. Lacan is influenced by the concept of the cut from Peirce, although he refers his mathemes to symbolic logic, but he used it topologically rather than conceptually.