The endeavour to study e-Governance in India started with a simple aim to understand the effects of strategic reform on the quality of governance in the country. Drawing closely on the policies and practices of e-Governance in India, this study views e-Governance as a hybridizing experience grappling with the intermingling issues of politics, technology and culture, as embedded in the wider context of the society which further produces hybrid institutions and practices of governance. E-Governance initiatives such as the CSCs and other MMPs under the NeGP strive to provide for these needs of the citizens. The CSCs Scheme is a State-driven top-down initiative to combine private sector interests with developmental goals. The overarching model on which the NeGP is constructed is the public-private partnership (PPP). The relationship between technology and governance has been studied from a social constructivist interpretation of technology. Researching governance through the prism of e-Governance often runs into the risk of shifting the focus of analysis.