One of the broader assumptions behind understanding India's governance through e-Governance is that governance is a key to the resilience of the democratic system in India. The concept of e-Governance hinges upon the relationship between technology and governance as it deploys ICTs in harnessing the interplay between State and society. The politics of technology shows how the broader political context of neo-liberalization and the concomitant agenda of governance reform push the recent upsurge of e-Governance in most developing countries in the last two decades. E-Governance has made its mark as a policy priority and an area of strategic reform in the national policy environment of India. In our analysis of e-Governance in India, the neo-institutional model of governance and what they imply for postcolonial democracies. Social constructivism cautions against technological determinism while evaluating the potential and actual effects of ICTs on existing systems of governance. E-Governance is a burgeoning field of strategic reform to achieve higher standards of governance.