No agreement has yet been reached on the language o f Linear A, and A. Furumark has not yet published his promised study. The language is presumably the language of the Minoans rather than an imported language; but the inventories may well contain imported words. (Add to the bibliography in n. 1: M. Pope, B .I.C .S ., 8 (1961), 29; J . Raison, 85 (1961), n ; Kadmos, 2 (1963), 17; L. R. Palmer, T .P .S ., 1958, 90; V. Georgiev, Minoika, 149; C. H. Gordon, J.N .E .S ., 21 (1962), 207; S. Davis, The Phaistos D isk, etc.) The system of writing, if not the language, may

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