The Socratic Method is an exercise in reflective thinking that, according to John Dewey has two elements: doubta problem about meaning which initiates itand an act of searching for a solutions to solve that problem. A few even seem to believe that there is something mystical about the Socratic method that some teachers are born with it or that there really is no common method at all that other teachers acquire. Nevertheless, all of these notions miss the mark because they fail to capture the Socratic concept of teaching and do not recognize that the Socratic method explained, and evaluated. Furthermore, there is no official Socratic method since even today there is no consensus about Socrates method as recorded in the dialogues of his most brilliant student, Plato. In sum, the Socratic method begins with a problem, continues as a process of asking spontaneous follow-up questions, and results in a producta resolution, increased understanding, and enjoyment of the text.