This chapter explores the Post-Intervention Planning and Closure (PIPC) stage of problem-solving in school consultation. It highlights strategies to facilitate successful case closure, including consideration given to consultation goals both for clients and consultees. School consultation is more than a series of problem-solving steps. It is a complex process with embedded interpersonal interactions at its heart. Closing out a consultation requires attention to the consultation relationship. Scant conceptual literature or empirical research has focused on the final stage of consultation. Progress monitoring during the previous problem-solving stage served the purpose of formative assessment. In PIPC, the consultant and consultee engage in summative assessment by measuring present levels of performance on target variables compared to long-term goals. Graphic representations of the data are helpful in analyzing progress and making decisions regarding goal achievement. Leaving a consultation hanging without a formal conclusion is disrespectful to the consultee and may deter the consultee's future willingness to access consultation supports.