The main themes of this chapter are the way that sigmund Freud's original formulation of sexuality has evolved, and its potential to go on evolving. On the Origin of Species was published when Freud was three years old, and The Descent of Man when he was fifteen. There is a parallel between the reactions to Edouard Manet when he showed Le Dejeuner sur l'Herbe in 1863, and the reactions to Freud when he published Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality in 1905. A contemporary conceptualisation of sexuality depends likewise on revisiting: in this case, a revisiting of the Three Essays. Mervin Glasser and Joyce McDougall presented papers on identification in the perversions, which were discussed by Jacob Arlow. Masud Khan introduced his book, Alienation in Perversions, as follows: The basic argument of this book is that the pervert puts an impersonal object between his desire and his accomplice. Psychoanalysis is specifically to do with unconscious mental processes.