Introduction 228 Drivers of hybrid media development 228 Concerns regarding hybrid media 229 Product placements/joint promotions 230 Product placement in video games (‘advergames’) 233 Experiential marketing 234 Augmented reality marketing 235 Effectiveness/pre-testing/measuring return on investment 235 Ethical issues 235 Summary 236 Review questions 236 Recommended reading 237 Case study 10.1: Bebo’s Kate Modern: using online product placement

to monetize social networking websites 237 Notes 240

After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

• Describe hybrid media forms and discuss their current and potential future significance as marketing communication tools

• Discuss the concerns raised regarding hybrid media as forms of stealth advertising

• Discuss the ethical issues regarding hybrid media forms

• Critically evaluate product placements as marketing communications tools

• Critically evaluate advergames, particularly those targeted at children

• Discuss ways by which return on investment from hybrid media may be assessed


Up until the mid-1990s, marketing communications debate centred on traditional media

and the growth of online (Internet) advertising. As more experience was gained with differ-

ent types of Internet activity,1 after considerable disappointment that the initial promise

of electronic media as a replacement for conventional advertising had not been fulfilled2

and a lot of hype over the forecast death of advertising3 was shown to be considerably

overstated, ways of blending available media forms (called hybridization of media) began

to be explored.