This chapter focuses on the rhythmic constructions of bodily vulnerability and war commemoration on YouTube and the apparent opposition to these unifying rhythms found in the related comments. It analyses the empirical material on two different levels, focusing on the level of articulation and the level of the media arena as a space of online commemoration. The chapter considers the use of social media platforms to commemorate and create video tributes to some of these fallen Danish soldiers. The relationship between the rhythm of the videos and the comments below that disrupts the rhythm by introducing an element of dissensus, which itself contested and tamed. This chapter attempts to create political 'isorhythmia' in relation to the war that is opposed by the comments, which instead creates arrhythmia or affective rhythms, according to Kristeva. The divergent comments are democratic in the sense of Ranciere, but also occasionally articulate trans-individual communal expressions of sympathy and empathy beyond political differences.