I HAVE been impressed by the amount of agreement which one can feel with many of the preceding contributions to this symposium. There are points of difference, of course. I do not agree with all Bertrand Russell's out look ; in fact, I often seriously disagree with hirn, but on this occasion less than usual; and, surprisingly, I am able to agree with much that Mr. Hilaire Belloc said ; hut then he dealt mainly not with science but with the applications of science, which he summed up under the term "machines." These are made possible by science, hut the responsihility for their use or abuse belongs not to science but to civilization. If so-called civilization allows machinery to sap human freedom and enslave mankind, science washes its hands of any such egregious folly. That human welfare is the first thing to aim at, and that of all industrial products or national manufactures the pro~uction of human souls of good quality is the most ultimately remunerative, "quite leadingly lucrative," has been said forcibly and eloquently hy John Ruskin. Let us attend to his teachings in that at one time heretic pronouncement Unto This Last.