Relaxation exercises are one of the most important ways of counteracting stress, including trauma-related stress. An important prerequisite is that stress levels should not be very high, otherwise relaxation exercises will have little or no effect. Relaxation exercises should also be learnt while in a tranquil location. Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation technique is the best-known relaxation exercise, as it is very easy and most people benefit from it. It involves alternating between tensing and relaxing different muscle groups, with the idea being for the client to experience clear differences between tension and relaxation. The accelerated breathing that always accompanies stress has a biological explanation. A cue-conditioning technique can be used with all the relaxation techniques and breathing exercises described in this chapter. Instructions for abdominal breathing: Place a hand on the abdomen and inhale such that the abdomen expands as if breathing into that hand, so to speak. Exhale until the abdomen flattens. Repeat three times.