Under the Flavian emperors, and in the first half of the second century, Noricum can hardly be said to have been in danger from enemy incursions, but even so the government thought it necessary to station troops on its northern frontiers. The cavalry regiments were the Ala I Pannoniorum Tampiana, the only one attested on the surviving fragment of the diploma, and, there can be no doubt, the Alae I Commagenorum and I Augusta Thracum. The Norican troops had already been moved up to the Danube frontier by the mid-first century, and the creation of the limes was in progress under the Flavians and their successors, with the erection of forts and signal stations. The largest group in the population was native, and a fair number were still peregrine in status before the Marcomannic Wars. No warfare affected the Norican frontier zone during the reign of Antoninus Pius.