Social psychology is about how we interact with other people when by ourselves or when in groups. These interactions help to shape who we are and how we act in subsequent similar and different situations. This helps us to perceive the world in a particular way. It also helps us to understand the world we live in. The area of focus for this broad topic in psychology is obedience – why are some people obedient and why are some people defiant? The factors that may stop people being obedient or change their obedience levels are also considered by social psychologists. What's in this unit?

The specification lists the following things that you will need to be able to do for the examination:

Define conformity, obedience, social loafing and deindividuation

Describe and evaluate studies into conformity, obedience, social loafing and deindividuation

Explain factors affecting conformity, obedience, social loafing and deindividuation

Explain factors affecting bystander intervention

Describe and evaluate studies into bystander intervention, including Latané and Darley (1968), Batson et al. (1983), Piliavin, Rodin and Piliavin (1969) and Schroeder et al. (1995)

Consider contemporary practical implications of studies and research into social influence and their benefits and drawbacks