The UK Prison Service launched its first anti-bullying strategy in 1993 with the publication of a booklet entitled Bullying in Prison: a Strategy to Beat It. The order represented a comprehensive update of the 1993 strategy and included detailed methods of preventing bullying and a clearer supporting rationale for the interventions suggested. This chapter focuses on what are primarily considered preventative strategies. Education is an area often not emphasised enough in anti-bullying strategies. Making anti-bullying strategies high profile on all units through the use of such strategies may have a very positive effect in reducing the level of bullying behaviour. Anti-bullying strategies devised and implemented without the direct involvement of prisoners are not likely to be very effective. Involving prisoners in anti-bullying strategies can only enhance their effectiveness. This is particularly important since the control that prisoners have over decisions about their care and management is limited and anti-authoritarian attitudes are encouraged by the prisoner subculture.