Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence. The voyage for most lovers will be long. Daily living, intriguing diversions, and tragedy threaten to sidetrack adults from completing their greatest adventure. In the Western world we are captivated by the promise of romantic love that dominates the themes in movies, television series, books and magazines. As soon as adventurers emerge from the Isle of Self and join together as couples, they are drawn toward their fiercest trial: The Straits of Death. The successful lover transforms from a childish creature who is tossed about unpredictably by external events to an inner-directed creature who endures the onslaught of the dragons of this world. Psychologists and philosophers have long maintained that one must complete one’s identity in order to pass safely to marriage. Once marriage carries a couple onto the great sea, temptations and strife will assault and attempt to end love’s union.