I wish that Virginia could have written the introduction to this book. However, since she is not able to manifest words in physical form, I offer to the reader brief, verbatim excerpts from a class we co-taught together in 1988 followed by an intimate dialogue that she and I engaged in at my home on the topic of this book. May her words help you to capture her "spirit." 1

So one of the hopes that I have is that you will be able to look at any small piece and see the w-h-o-l-e. You were all introduced to holography. Any single cell of you contains your whole pattern and by that same definition every one of us contains the whole world. So that we can begin to zero in on that. And I suppose if there was anything that contributes to my being able to work deeply it is that process of being able to take the little thing over here and being able to see the whole.

Are you convinced that you had nothing to do with making yourself? You're not convinced. Are you convinced that your mother and father made you? You're not convinced. I'm glad of that. Are you convinced that life was never made by human beings and always was? And therefore all we're ever doing is activating life. So the next time your mother tells you of all she suffered just remind her she only activated, she didn't create. I'm asking you these questions because I think these are basic. I know I did not create myself. I now am co-creating along with what I have. But I did not-I could not make myself. That's all there in the egg and the sperm which is not created by human beings. And a lot of people try to go off in a superstructure without recognizing that-it's very easy for them. You see, all you did is you got activated by the two pieces that have to come together to make a human form-the egg and sperm. And therefore the basis of all of us is something that already is. When you get that, it's easier to be in touch with your spirituality, because that's where you come from. To me that's very exciting because then I have a fantasy of a huge cauldron, tub, reservoir, that covers the whole earth and that is life-everything just being recycled.

I had a wonderful nun in one of my networks. She was always finding fault with herself. She was bad at this and she was bad at that and, one day, I said to her, "Do you believe that the Creator made everything He did in His own image?" She said, "Sure." I said, "How dare you criticize anyone?" "Oh," she said, "I never thought about it like that." And, she stopped. So, we're all manifestations of life, worthy of respect and love, and we're all moved by the same thing.

So, anyway, at this point in time, being a human being is a manifestation of life and that makes us all equal in value because there is nobody that can buy it any other way except the regular way. So the things that belong to any one person belong to everybody-the fears, the hopes, the joys, the wishes-and that's a big thing because so many of us were raised with the idea that we were better than someone or less than someone else. And the idea was to get on top so everybody else could be on the bottom. It's the same kind of principle that applies to religion. I do not equate religion with spirituality. I don't believe they are the same. They can be but I don't believe that they are. That's one of the reasons I could never belong to an organized church. That is also one of the reasons that I have many friends from all different churches and many people who I think are very spiritual. They range all the way from Buddhists, Catholics, Jewish, whatever, so there are a lot of things to take a look at.

The following are excerpts from a dialogue between Virginia and myself