Pressure and stress come from two main sources: from the outside world and from within oneself. Stress from the environment comes in the shape of unexpected life events, the strain of ongoing, unsatisfactory circumstances, and from daily hassles. Equally important are internal sources of stress, many of which are, unwittingly, self-imposed. Internal pressure can come from an ill-maintained, sensitive, or ailing body, from faulty learning, which results in problem behaviors and habits, and finally, from maladaptive patterns of thinking and erroneous beliefs about oneself or one’s world. Furthermore, what starts off as an external pressure (e.g., low-paying job) can take its toll on health or lifestyle or affect one’s outlook on life. Equally, ill health, problem behaviors, or faulty thinking can exacerbate the impact of external events, ongoing life circumstances, or daily mishaps. Sometimes, everything becomes a problem.