Several of the organisations which are important in regeneration will have been abolished, amalgamated, re-titled or rebooted between the authors’ index fingers hitting the keys and the words appearing on their screens, though in due course most of them will be re-invented with different titles. During the 1980s, regeneration in the County was patchy, despite the initial success of the Grotton Garden Festival. Wayne was encouraged by Quibble to open discussions with Grotton City Council about the possible formation of a Multi-Area Agreement, or possibly an Economic Prosperity Board. A fresh start was clearly needed, but the proposal to relocate the stadium to the Bottoms was opposed by Grotton City Council. Acutely aware of Grotton’s success in the regard, the UDC determined that Grimethwaite needed to be a 24-hour city. The existence of Radio Chirpy and the ‘photographic studio’ seemed to the UDC to provide a possible focal point for the development of creative industries.