It is now over a hundred years since Freud's first momentous meeting with Jung. ‘He invited me to visit him, and our first meeting took place in Vienna in February 1907,’ Jung later recalled. ‘We met at one o'clock in the afternoon and talked virtually without a pause for thirteen hours.’ 1 Three days later, on 2 March 1907, Freud gave a talk linking the obsessional actions of his Viennese patients with religious rituals. 2 This was followed, in July 1907, by Picasso linking what he had learnt about ritual African masks with developments in European art, including paintings of female nudes, such as Cézanne's Les Grandes Baigneuses (1900–5) 3 and Matisse's Le Bonheur de vivre (1906), 4 in completing his painting, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907), 5 regarded by many as marking the beginning of modern art.