Arguments about the ideological nature of psychometrics have traditionally been seen as one of a kind with arguments about sociobiology. Modern-day sociobiology has developed from social Darwinism, and has been most clearly described by E.O. Wilson (1975). Wilson’s arguments span a wide area, and cover most aspects of contemporary society. The essential thesis, however, states that most of the social and political activity of modern man is but a reformulation of the activities of our ancestors. Collecting money on the stockmarket, for example, is seen as nothing more than the modern version of the berry-collecting activity of our cave-dwelling ancestors. The fact that women do not receive equal treatment in society is seen as being due to their natural disposition, as with their animal ancestors, to look after the home and children. Further, the thesis states that these continued social habits are not merely the result of tradition but a direct projection of human genetic make-up. There follows the implication that these traditional social practices are natural and unavoidable. Men should not be expected to do housework, but rather should be out and about ensuring that their family is properly provided for; the genes so decree! Now clearly there is a relationship between this sociobiology and politics, and of course, as we could expect, those political elements that support cultural traditions of racism and sexism have found an ally in sociobiology. The frequent use of sociobiological arguments by the far political right has led more radical scientists and politicians to condemn them out of hand as being politically motivated. However, most of the scientific proponents of sociobiology argue that they are not right wing at all, that they have merely, as scientists, stood back to look at the facts and these (socio-biological) facts are what they have found to be true. They will often turn the argument on their accusers at this point, equating them with those in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union who burnt books and locked up scientists rather than face up to the cold light of scientific truth.