Various theories have been put forward as to whether Amenhotep IV celebrated more than one Sed-festival, when and where these festivals took place and whether the festival was also celebrated by the Aten in its aspect as over-king. Talatat and ‘temporary scenes’ which show subsidiary figures, for instance, such as soldiers, priests, officials and so on, could belong in several different types of scene, including those of the Sed-festival. The talatat from Karnak are set in the walls in alternating courses of headers and stretchers with the courses of headers in parallel arrangements and the stretchers staggered. Several types of talatat have been classed as ‘architectural blocks’, namely those which have more than one surface decorated, or only part of one surface dressed and decorated, the remainder being left undressed. The talatat occur as headers and stretchers, the headers being the blocks with the short end decorated and the stretchers those with the long side decorated.