This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book draws upon the discipline of history in the presentation of a biography of Pennington and to delineate the general context of evangelical Protestantism and abolitionism in nineteenth century America. It consists of a brief delineation of the three major religio-cultural circles in which Pennington lived: evangelical Protestantism, social reform, and the African-American community. The book presents evidence resolving uncertainties about Pennington’s receipt of the Doctor of Divinity degree from Heidelberg University and corrects inconsistencies on dating the chronology of his life. It analyzes the work of Pennington in the African-American church movement as preacher. The book provides a critical assessment and evaluation of Pennington’s career and his significance as a pioneer who first articulated certain seminal ideas that have become major themes in the long struggle of the African-American community for liberation.