This chapter focuses on responsibility assumption in the area of responsiveness or of experiencing feelings. There are many different reasons why counsellors, clients and people in general need to pay attention to responsiveness. Physical health is the second reason for focusing on responsiveness. Emotions that are not adequately released may be somatized. The American Psychiatric Association uses the term ‘psychophysiologic’ to emphasize that the disorders are caused and maintained primarily by psychological and emotional rather than by organic factors. Disorders which may have a psychophysiologic element include: eczema, muscle cramps, tension headaches, asthma, heart attacks, hypertension, peptic ulcers, chronic gastritis, and disturbances in urination and in menstruation. Counsellor self-disclosure is one aspect of counsellor responsiveness. Role-play methods can focus either on clients’ relationships with various parts of themselves or on their relationships with other people.