This chapter discusses the unsystematic selling to the planlessness of our national economy in general. There were debates in the Politburo on the question of planning and of the role of the Gosplan and also debates about the personal staff of the planning bureaus. In insisting on the all-sided reenforcement of the Gosplan, the subordination to it of the planning work of all the departments. Gosplan administrative rights, believing that they ought to be concentrated as before in the hands of the Soviet of Labor and Defense. the Gosplan stands somewhat apart from our legislative institutions, notwithstanding the fact that, as a meeting center of the leaders, experts, and representatives of science and technique, it possesses, as a matter of fact, the best possible data for a correct judgment of things. Lenin regarded our previously existing disagreements, proposing to the Politburo to resolve those disagreements in the direction of a very close approach to the views which they had defended.