In regions where there is a friction with other nationalities or national minorities, nationalism, accompanying the growth of the bourgeois elements, often becomes aggressive. In these circumstances "nationalization" of the local apparatus takes place at the expense of the national minorities. The atmosphere of the party, Soviet, and trade-union work is poisoned with nationalism. Bureaucratism, sustained by the spirit of Great-Power chauvinism, has succeeded in transforming the Soviet centralization into a source of quarrels as to the partition of official positions among the nationalities. A repudiation of the Ustrialov tendency, and of all kinds of Great-Power tendencies, especially in the central commissariats and in the state apparatus in general. An educational struggle against local nationalism upon the basis of a clear and consistent class policy on the national question. Transformation of the nationality-Soviets into actually functioning organs bound up with the life of the national republics and territories, and really capable of defending their interests.