There are two basic systems for organizing and mixing color called additive and subtractive. These two systems share terms and certain characteristics but each one must be considered separately. The additive system of color mixing uses colored light. The primary colors in the additive system are red, green, and blue. The subtractive system of color is completely separate from the additive system, even though the two systems share the same terms. The subtractive system is used in the mixing of colored pigments, which includes paint and dye. The primary colors in the subtractive system are magenta, yellow, and cyan. There are three terms that people can use to verbally describe a color. These terms are hue, brightness and saturation. A standard color wheel always displays the hues in their most saturated, vivid state. But the brightness of these saturated hues on the standard color wheel are very different. Brightness refers only to the tonal range of the colors.