This chapter outlines developments in the interwar period by looking at transnational currents across sports codes, from football to track and field athletics. It explores the contacts of one of the most well-known British football teams, W. B. Dick, John Kerr's Ladies from Preston Lancashire, who were formed in 1917. The chapter describes a series of interconnections and parallel developments in international women's sport after World War I had emphasized the need for female physical fitness, courage, stamina and technological skill. The parallel developments of the International Olympic Committee (IOC)-organized Olympic programme from Antwerp in 1920 to Berlin in 1936 cannot be understood without considering the influence of Milliat's Women's World Games. The Fédération Sportive Féminine Internationale (FSFI) Women's Olympiads and the IOC Olympic Games provided an ambitious international stage on which to contest female national virility. The Women's League of Health and Beauty motto was 'Movement is Life'.