This chapter explores cases of where a quite different range of sporting activity became more female led between the mid 1920's and the late 1930's. It shows at different kinds of imperialism through the prism of hockey, a team sport, and the individualistic careers of women motorists. The chapter looks at a similar timescale from the point of view of the comparatively neglected subjects of women's hockey and motor racing. As an internationalized team game, hockey was indicative of how particular sports cultures shaped networks in ways that overlapped with women's work. If the British Racing Driver's Club (BRDC) began life in 1927 wanting to belittle female participation by downgrading women to the status of honorary members of its organization, manufacturers wanted high profile female drivers to promote their goods. The narratives around the need for modernization link sport with other aspects of national life that were to prove generally beneficial for women's access to a greater range of activities.