The morning of the Opening Ceremony brought heavy rain showers, and Westfield was host to dozens of camera crews as athletes wandered the mall in full national squad livery pretending not to be noticed. The Opening Ceremony briefing for the various police units had taken place in public at the foot of the Westfield Mall stairway in the late afternoon. The Opening Ceremony was to begin at 20.00 hours and with two hours to go the OCZ police had not been fully informed as to who should be entering Westfield. Even before 16.00 hours those with tickets for the Opening Ceremony had begun to arrive. Some were renowned ex-athletes, and some were celebrities. Commercial interests were not shy in flexing their muscles, and LOCOG were yet again an ambiguous presence whose Last Mile responsibilities were largely swerved. The night of the Opening Ceremony was tense. Nobody was sure how the policing of the Games would unfold.