The greatest recent French invention in connection with refractors has to do not with the size but with the mounting. Loewy's Equatorial Coude is now the standard type for French equatorials, and has been recently introduced into Cambridge University. The first observatory founded by public subscription in the United States was at Cincinnati in 1842, removed in 1873 to Mount Lookout. instance, the instruments of Baron d'Engelhardt, late of Dresden, form the principal equipment of the Kasan Observatory, while no one now works on the sites occupied by Herschel or Lassell, or to mention a recent loss, Dr Isaac Roberts. The Greenwich water telescope was constructed for the express purpose of testing a theory that aberration was modified by refraction through an absorbing medium such as a lens. There is also a printing chronograph invented by another American professor, G. W. Hough. Many developments are due to the advance in astronomical photography and in spectroscopy.