This chapter focuses on the information that YCWs gather and use that actually improves services. Consistent with a collaborative stance, the term 'information gathering' is used as opposed to 'assessment'. An essential method for collecting information in YFS is through real-time feedback measurement, which is comprised of outcome and alliance measurement. In sum, real-time feedback assists with concerns such as reducing negative outcome and dropout, tracking improvement, and monitoring the fit between the YCW or other provider and clients. The Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) is a brief, client-rated four-item visual analogue scale measuring the client's experience of well-being in their individual, interpersonal and social functioning. The Session Rating Scale (SRS) is a four-item, client-completed alliance measure. A task of the YCW is to blend open-ended and formal questions. Developed by Steve de Shazer and colleagues at the Brief Family Therapy Center (BFTC), in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the miracle question has become synonymous with solution-focused therapy.