The Second Macedonian war none the less marks the beginning of a close alliance between Athens and Rome, which Athenian policy during the war against Antiochos III was to make even closer. The Athenian ambassadors in Rome demanded the reward of their loyalty, namely the restoration of Haliartos, Delos and Lemnos. Delos formed an additional link between Athens and Rome. In Athens, there was an increasing display of support for Rome. The flourishing schools of philosophy in Athens attracted young Romans seeking acquaintance with Greek culture, while not a year passed but some important magistrate from Rome came to make a stay in Athens. Athens was to remain loyal to the Roman alliance throughout the century. The new Athenian coinage was in wide circulation, and in 189 Athens was able to lend the Aitolians, no doubt on profitable terms, the indemnity which they owed to Rome.