A: ԴҞ໽᳝޴㡖䇒˛ Nǐ jīntiān yǒu jǐ jié kè? B: ᳝ϸ㡖DŽϞज᳝ϔ㡖㣅᭛䇒ˈϟज᳝ϔ㡖᭄ᄺ䇒˗↣㡖䇒䛑ᰃϗक Ѩߚ䩳DŽ

Yǒu liǎng jié. Shàngwǔ yǒu yī jié Yīngwén kè, xiàwǔ yǒu yī jié shùxué kè; měi jié kè dōu shì qīshí wǔ fēnzhōng.

A: How many classes (= periods of class) do you have today? B: I have two. In the morning I have an (a period of ) English class; in

the afternoon, I have a (period of ) mathematics class. Each class (period) is 75 minutes.