Ϟ᯳ᳳфⱘ䙷ѯ∈ᵰᖿ㽕ണњˈ៥Ҟ໽ህᕫᡞᅗӀৗњˈ৺߭໾⌾䌍DŽ (ᖿ㽕ണњ can be ᖿണњ or 㽕ണњ.) Shàng xīngqī mǎi de nàxiē shuǐguǒ kuài yào huài le, wǒ jīntiān jiù děi bǎ tāmen chī le, fǒuzé tài làngfèi. The fruit I bought last week is going to be bad (rotten) soon. I will have to eat them today. Otherwise, it would be too wasteful.